Friday, November 6, 2009

PBMS backup and S3 storage


So I had to make some changes to the way that backup worked with PBMS in order that it would behave as expected when the BLOB data is stored remotely on an S3 server.

I will go over how the PBMS repository is backed up first and then explain how it works with S3 storage.

PBMS provides a pbms_backup table in its 'pbms' database that records all the backups that have been performed on any of the PBMS repositories on the server. The create statement for this table looks like this:

CREATE TABLE pbms.pbms_backup (
Database_Name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
Completed TIMESTAMP,
IsRunning BOOL,
IsDump BOOL,
Location VARCHAR(1024),
Cloud_Ref INT,
Cloud_backup_no INT,

There are 2 ways to backup a PBMS repository:

  • MySQLDump: To backup the repository using 'mysqldump' you simply dump the database's 'pbms_dump' table. This table is a one column table of type 'long blob'. Any select from this table is assumed to be a repository backup and any insert into the table is assumed to be a repository recovery. Selecting the data from the 'pbms_dump' table results in a new record being added to the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table. To recover the repository the dumped data is inserted back into the 'pbms_dump' table. During the recovery it is important to set the pbms variable "Restoring-Dump" in the database's 'pbms_variable' table to "TRUE". This tells the PBMS engine that the database is being recovered and that insertion of BLOB references should not increment the BLOB reference count.
  • Engine level backup: To perform an engine level backup all you do is insert a record into the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table providing the name of the database to be backed up and the location into which the backup should be placed. This starts an asynchronous backup operation. To recover the repository from the backup all you do is drag and drop the backup into your recovered database.
So how does this work when the actual BLOB data is stored on an S3 server?

What happens is the backup process makes a copy of the BLOB data on the S3 server. In the case of an engine level backup the user can specify the S3 Server that the BLOBs should be backed up to which may be a different server entirely. BLOB data is stored on the S3 server using generated names matching the pattern:

Example: 1257393091/0/87.1257393139.626

  • database_id is the id of the database as provided by the PBMS engine.
  • backup_no is the backup number of the BLOB. For BLOBs that are not backup copies this number is always zero. The backup number is just a sequence counter that ensures that the backup BLOBs have a unique name. All backup BLOBs from the same backup will have the same backup number. This backup number is stored in the 'Cloud_backup_no' column of the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table.
  • cloud_ref is the reference into the 'pbms.pbms_cloud' table that refers to the S3 server and bucket in which the BLOB is stored.
  • time_stamp is the time in seconds at which the BLOB was created.
  • sequence_count is just a counter to ensure that no 2 BLOBs get the same name.
When a backup is started a check is done to find an unused backup number. Then as each BLOB repository record is backed up the S3 server is sent a request to copy the BLOB to its new name with the new backup number which may also be in a different bucket or on a different server.

The first step of the database recovery is to delete any BLOBs from the original database. This is done by performing the S3 equivalent of 'rm -r <database_id>/0/* ' .

Recovery from an sqldump backup is just the reverse of the backup, as each BLOB repository record is written back to the repository the BLOB is copied back to its original name and location with the backup number set to zero. The 'cloud_ref' number is used to look up the S3 server location from which the original BLOB came.

Recovery from an engine level backup is a bit different because the repository recovery is just a drag and drop operation. The first time the database is accessed the PBMS engines sees that the repository has just been recovered and starts the S3 BLOB recovery process. To recover the S3 BLOBs a list of all the BLOBs in the backup is made and then using the 'cloud_ref' number from the BLOB name the original location of the BLOB is found and the backed up BLOB is copied back to it.

The nice thing about using S3 storage for the BLOBs is that the database BLOB repository can be backed up quite nicely just using mysqldump.

When deleting old backups it is important to remember that there may be BLOBs on an S3 server that also need to be cleaned up. This is where you can make use of the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table to find the location of the backed up BLOBs and using a tool, such as the "S3 FireFox Organizer", delete them. After that the backup record can be deleted from the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table. I could have had the PBMS engine delete all the backed up BLOBs for a backup when the record was deleted from the 'pbms.pbms_backup' table but I thought that that could lead to lost data if the user did not realize the side effects of deleting a backup record.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

PBMS Cloud storage is back!


Support for S3 BLOB storage has now been fully integrated into the PBMS engine. It works in much the same way that I mentioned in an earlier post but with some important changes so I will explain it all again here.

When using S3 BLOB storage with PBMS the BLOB reference tracking and metadata is handled the same as before in that they are stored in the BLOB record in the repository, but the actual BLOB is stored on an S3 server.

To setup S3 storage you need to add an S3 cloud reference record to the pbms.pbms_cloud table provided by PBMS. For example:

INSERT INTO pbms.pbms_cloud(ID, Server, bucket, PublicKey, PrivateKey) VALUES(16, "", "PBMS-Test", "abc123", "amjr15vWq");

Then you need to tell PBMS which database should use S3 cloud storage for its BLOBs. This is done by updating a couple of records in the pbms_variable table that PBMS provides for each user database. For example to setup the database "myDB" for S3 cloud storage you would do the following:

UPDATE myDB.pbms_variable set value = "16" where name = "S3-Cloud-Ref";
UPDATE myDB.pbms_variable set value = "CLOUD" where name = "Storage-type";

The database "myDB" is now setup for cloud storage. All BLOB data will now be stored in the bucket "PBMS-Test" on the S3 server "".

This diagram shows the steps taken when the PBMS client library uploads a BLOB to the PBMS repository using S3 cloud storage. All of these steps are performed by one call the the PBMS client lib and the client application knows nothing about the type of BLOB storage being used:

  • Step 1: The BLOB metadata is sent to the PBMS engine.
  • Step 2: A repository record is created containing the BLOB metadata.
  • Step 3: A reply is sent back to the client containing the BLOB reference which is passed back up to the client application to be inserted into the user's table in place of the BLOB. An S3 authorization signature is also returned to the client. The authorization signature is generated by the PBMS engine using the Public/Private keys for the S3 server to sign the BLOB upload request.
  • Step 4: The PBMS client library uses the authorization signature to upload the BLOB to the S3 server.
Alternatively the BLOB can be inserted directly into the user's table in which case the PBMS engine will upload it to the S3 server. This is not the preferred way of doing things because it forces the MySQL server to handle the BLOB data, which is what we are trying to avoid by using the PBMS engine.

Here is how the BLOB is accessed. Keep in mind that all the client application does is provide the PBMS lib with a PBMS BLOB reference as it currently does and receives the BLOB in return. It knows nothing about the cloud.

  • Step 1: A BLOB request containing a PBMS BLOB reference is sent to the PBMS engine’s HTTP server.
  • Step 2: The BLOB’s repository record is read from local storage.
  • Step 3: An HTTP redirect reply is sent back to the client redirecting the request to the BLOB stored in the cloud. The metadata associated with the BLOB is returned to the client in the reply’s HTTP headers. The redirect URL is an authenticated query string that gives the client time limited access to the BLOB data. Use of an authenticated query string allows the data in the cloud to have access protection without requiring the client applications to know the private key normally required to get access.
  • Step 4: The redirect is followed to the cloud and the BLOB data is retrieved.
The beauty of this system is that the client applications need never know how or where the actually BLOB data is stored and since the BLOB transfer is all directly between the client and the S3 server, the BLOB data doesn't need to be handled at all by the machine on which the MySQL server is running.

Because the BLOB repository records indirectly refer back to the S3 server via the pbms_cloud table, the administrator is free to move the BLOB data between S3 servers and/or buckets with out having to do anything more than updating the record in the pbms_cloud table. For example given the following setup:

all that would be required to relocate the BLOB data from the Amazon S3 server to the Sun S3 server would be to:

  • Copy the BLOB data from the amazon server to the Sun server.
  • Update the pbms_cloud table as: UPDATE pbms.pbms_cloud set server = "", Bucket = "B3" PublicKey = "zft123", PrivateKey = "abc123" where id = 17;
  • Delete the BLOBs on the amazon server.
resulting in:

I will explain how the new BLOB repository backup system works with cloud storage in another blog entry.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PBMS will be at the OpenSQL camp in Portland Nov. 14-15

I am planning on presenting a session on PBMS at the OpenSQL camp. I am in hopes of have a chance to discuss PBMS with people and find out how they are planning on using it and what features they would like to see in it.

But even if you are not interested in PBMS you should still come if for no other reason than the free pizza!

I am proud to say the PrimeBase Technologies is one of the organizations who's sponsorship money is helping to provide the free pizza.

I will see you all there,


Saturday, August 15, 2009

PBMS version 0.5.09 has been released.

A new release of the PrimeBase Media Streaming engine is now available for download at .

The main focus of this release was to provide the features required to make PBMS production ready and with the addition of transaction support and engine level backup I think it is almost there. The engine does not yet provide engine level replication but it will in a future release.

What's new:
  • PBMS now provides two methods to backup the BLOB repository which are documented here.
  • PBMS now supports transactions independently of the storage engine.
  • There is now a PHP extension for PBMS. Check it out!
  • The interface between PBMS and storage engines has been greatly simplified so that PBMS support can be added directly to MySQL or other engines such as InnoDB by applying a simple patch to the handler as talked about in an earlier blog here.
What's Next:

The next step is to take this version and do extensive testing to make sure it is stable. There are a few known bugs listed in the To-Do list that I need to fix and as I add more test cases and do more stress testing I am sure I will find more.

The S3 Cloud support, which was mentioned here, has been pulled out of this release and I want to get it back in as soon as possible.

I also plan to make some patches available that can be applied to MySQL or InnoDB to make them PBMS enabled.

And of course I need to get PBMS into Drizzle. That isn't really that much work, I have already had it running with Drizzle but I have been waiting to get a stable full feature version first. I think what I have now is close enough so I will be working on this shortly.

What's after that:

Once I get the current version running stably with no major bugs or limitations and have taken care of the above mentioned issues, I plan on working on the following .

  • Remote repositories: the entire repository is stored somewhere other than in the MySQL data directory, most likely on a different machine entirely. This is different from cloud storage in that the entire repository is stored remotely instead of just the BLOB data. The remote repository server would be a standalone PBMS HTTP server providing clients with access to the BLOB data stored in the repository. The standalone PBMS HTTP server could in turn be using cloud storage so that the BLOB data itself was stored in a cloud. A solution like this should be able to work with the NDBCLUSTER storage engine.
  • Engine level replication: This would be done similar to the remote repository but the data would be stored in the local repository as well as being forwarded to the slave servers.
  • Incremental backup. This allows you to basically sync the current state of the BLOB repository with that of a backup. To do this all new BLOBs and BLOB references in the current database would be added to the backup and BLOBs and BLOB references in the backup that no longer exist in the current database would be removed. In this way only the new data is copied to the backup location.

As usual if you have any questions about PBMS and BLOB storage please send them to me and I will do my best to answer them.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New simplified engine interface for PBMS

By making PBMS transactional I have been able to greatly simplify the engine interface making it much easier for engine builders to build in support for PBMS. How much simpler is it? From the time I decided to make InnoDB PBMS enabled to when I started the rebuild of MySQL was less than half an hour!

The same way that I added PBMS support to InnoDB it can be added directly to the MySQL server so that the PBMS engine will be used for BLOB storage for all engines regardless of if they have been enabled or not. PBMS support for drizzle will be provided via a data filter plug-in which I have yet to write but will soon.

To add PBMS support all you need to do is add the file to your source code and add the following to your handler code. I will use the InnoDB handler code as an example:


#pragma implementation // gcc: Class implementation
/* Include necessary InnoDB headers */
extern "C" {
#include "../storage/innobase/include/univ.i"
#include "../storage/innobase/include/ha_prototypes.h"


#include "pbms_enabled.h"

static const long AUTOINC_OLD_STYLE_LOCKING = 0;
static const long AUTOINC_NEW_STYLE_LOCKING = 1;
/* out: 0 on success, error code on failure */
void *p) /* in: InnoDB handlerton */
err = innobase_start_or_create_for_mysql();

if (err != DB_SUCCESS) {
goto error;

PBMSResultRec result;
if (!pbms_initialize("InnoDB", &result)) {
sql_print_error("pbms_initialize() Error: %s", result.mr_message);
goto error;
(void) hash_init(&innobase_open_tables,system_charset_info, 32, 0, 0,
(hash_get_key) innobase_get_key, 0, 0);
innobase_end(handlerton *hton, ha_panic_function type)
/* out: TRUE if error */
int err= 0;


#ifdef __NETWARE /* some special cleanup for NetWare */
if (nw_panic) {
if (innodb_inited) {




/* out: error code */
uchar* record) /* in: a row in MySQL format */
int error = 0;
ibool auto_inc_used= FALSE;
ulint sql_command;
trx_t* trx = thd_to_trx(user_thd);


PBMSResultRec result;
error = pbms_write_row_blobs(table, record, &result);
if (error) {
sql_print_error( "pbms_write_row_blobs() Error: %s", result.mr_message);

pbms_completed(table, (error == 0));
/* out: error number or 0 */
const uchar* old_row, /* in: old row in MySQL format */
uchar* new_row) /* in: new row in MySQL format */
upd_t* uvect;
int error = 0;
trx_t* trx = thd_to_trx(user_thd);


PBMSResultRec result;

error = pbms_delete_row_blobs(table, old_row, &result);
if (error) {
sql_print_error( "update_row:pbms_delete_row_blobs() Error: %s",
error = pbms_write_row_blobs(table, new_row, &result);
if (error) {
sql_print_error( "update_row:pbms_write_row_blobs() Error: %s",
goto pbms_done;

pbms_completed(table, (error == 0));
/* out: error number or 0 */
const uchar* record) /* in: a row in MySQL format */
int error = 0;
trx_t* trx = thd_to_trx(user_thd);


PBMSResultRec result;

error = pbms_delete_row_blobs(table, record, &result);
if (error) {
sql_print_error( "pbms_delete_row_blobs() Error: %s", result.mr_message);

pbms_completed(table, (error == 0));
/* out: error number */
const char* name) /* in: table name */
/* Call pbms_delete_table_with_blobs() last because it cannot be undone. */
if (!error) {
PBMSResultRec result;

if (pbms_delete_table_with_blobs(name, &result)) {
sql_print_error( "pbms_delete_table_with_blobs() Error: %s",

pbms_completed(NULL, true);

/* out: 0 or error code */
const char* from, /* in: old name of the table */
const char* to) /* in: new name of the table */
ulint name_len1;
ulint name_len2;
int error;
trx_t* parent_trx;
trx_t* trx;
char norm_from[1000];
char norm_to[1000];
THD* thd = ha_thd();


PBMSResultRec result;

error = pbms_rename_table_with_blobs(from, to, &result);
if (error) {
sql_print_error( "pbms_rename_table_with_blobs() Error: %s", result.mr_message);
pbms_completed(NULL, (error == 0));

Now you are probably wondering how I spent half an hour just adding that.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

PBMS is transactional!

The PBMS engine now has built in support for transaction so that if you reference or dereference BLOBs during a transaction the changes you made will be committed or rolled back with the transaction. Up until now PBMS had depended on the host engine to handle transactions and inform it what needed to be done in the event of a rollback.

I have implemented transaction support by adding a circular transaction log and transaction cache. The circular transaction log is dynamic and can grow and shrink as required. The transaction records are all small (30 byte) fixed length records so the log doesn’t need to be that large to be able to handle a lot of transactions. A head and tail pointer are maintained to indicate where the head and tail of the circular log is. If the circular log becomes full then the records just overflow and are written to the end of the log. Once the transaction reader has caught up after an overflow has occurred it simply resizes the circular log to include the overflow and everything continues as normal with a larger circular log. The circular log will be reduced to its normal size once free space becomes available at the end of the log.

If anyone has any use for something like this them selves it has been written as a standalone module so it would not be to difficult to pull it out and build it into something else.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Backing up BLOBs

The PBMS BLOB repositories can now be backed up with mysqldump.

A new system table ‘pbms_dump’ contains 1 row for each repository record. Each row consists of 1 column which is a BLOB. The content of this table has no purpose other than for the use in repository backup. By inserting the data back into this table the repository is recovered. Before doing the backup the pbms_dump system table needs to be discovered, to do this execute the command “select * from pbms_dump where false”. After doing this then mysqldump will include it in backups. Be sure to use the “—hex-blob” option. For example:

Mysqldump –u root –hex-blob mydatabase > mydatabase.sql

Before recovering the database you need to notify PBMS that a recovery operation is in progress so that the recovery of the tables containing the BLOB references do not increment the BLOB reference count. This notification is done by setting a bool flag in a new system table (I like system tables ☺) pbms_variable. To restore a database perform the following operations:

create database recovtest;
use recovtest;

update pbms_variable set Value = "true" where Name = "Restoring-Dump";
source mydatabase.sql;
update pbms_variable set Value = "false" where Name = "Restoring-Dump";

I am also planning on implementing the engine level backup and recovery supported in MySQL 6.o as well as an internal backup method that will produce a backup that you can recover just by dragging and dropping it into the ‘pbms’ folder where your database folders are located.

The internal backup will run asynchronously in the background and will not block normal operations of the database including adding and deleting BLOBs. The way that it would work is that the administrator would lock the tables containing the BLOB references and back them up. Sometime during the backup, before releasing the locks, the asynchronously PBMS backup of the database would be started. Progress of the backup could be monitored via a pbms_status table.

The version supporting mysqldump is in the PBMS branch "~pbms-core/pbms/cloud" on launchpad. Be warned though that this is a development branch with everything that implies.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BLOB storage in the cloud with PBMS

I am pleased to announce a cloud storage version of the PBMS engine.

What I have created is a version of PBMS that stores the BLOB data in a cloud and when a request for the data comes in the client is sent a redirect to get the BLOB directly from the cloud. The BLOB reference tracking and metadata is handled the same as before in that they are stored in the BLOB record in the repository but the actual BLOB is stored somewhere else.

This has several advantages over storing the BLOB in the repository record:
  1. It reduces the disk storage requirement of the database server’s machine.
  2. It reduces the bandwidth requirement of the database server’s machine.
The beauty of it is that the client application doesn’t need to know anything about the cloud because it is all handled by the PBMS engine and PBMS lib.

Here is a diagram showing how an insert works:

  • Step 1: The BLOB is sent to the PBMS engine. Ideally this is done by using the PBMS lib to send it to the PBMS engine’s HTTP server and then inserting the returned BLOB reference into the table in place of the BLOB. Optionally the BLOB can be insert directly with an ‘insert’ statement and the PBMS engine will replace it with a BLOB reference internally. The first method is preferable though since it impacts server performance less and reduces the server’s memory usage because the BLOB is streamed into the repository file and is never stored in memory.
  • Step 2: A repository record is created containing the BLOB data.
(Steps 1 and 2 are the same for both cloud and none-cloud versions of PBMS.)
  • Step 3: The BLOB is scheduled for upload to the cloud. A separate thread, called the ‘cloud’ thread, which operates in the background, performs the upload.
  • Step 4: The local BLOB data is scheduled for deletion. This action can be delayed for a time to ensure that the data is actually accessible by the clients before the local copy of the BLOB is deleted. The repository record remains but the space used by the actual BLOB is added to the repository’s garbage count and the space will be reclaimed later by the PBMS compactor thread.

Here is how the BLOB is accessed. Keep in mind that all the client application does is provide the PBMS lib with a PBMS BLOB reference as it currently does and receives the BLOB in return. It knows nothing about the cloud.

  • Step 1: A BLOB request containing a PBMS BLOB reference is sent to the PBMS engine’s HTTP server.
  • Step 2: The BLOB’s repository record is read from local storage.
  • Step 3: An HTTP redirect reply is sent back to the client redirecting the request to the BLOB stored in the cloud. The metadata associated with the BLOB is returned to the client in the reply’s HTTP headers. The redirect URL is an authenticated query string that gives the client time limited access to the BLOB data. Use of an authenticated query string allows the data in the cloud to have access protection without requiring the client applications to know the private key normally required to get access.
  • Step 4: The redirect is followed to the cloud and the BLOB data is retrieved.

Note the absence of lines passing through the MySQL server. All of this is done outside of the database server, freeing the database server to process database queries rather than serve up BLOB data.

The current version I am working on uses Amazon S3 storage but the cloud access is done via a fairly simple class interface, which should be easy to implement for any Amazon S3 - like interface.

If you want to find out more be sure to attend my talk at the MySQL conference “BLOB Streaming: Efficient Reliable BLOB Handling for all Storage Engines “.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The PrimeBase BLOB Streaming (PBMS) engine alpha version 5.08 is ready

Alpha version 5.08 of the BLOB streaming engine for MySQL has been released. You can download the source code from The documentation has also been updated.

What's new in 5.08:
  • All PBMS data is stored under a 'pbms' directory in the MySQL server's data directory rather than in the database directories them selves.
  • This version now builds with Drizzle and can be loaded as a 'Blobcontainer' plug-in.
  • Added the possibility of storing BLOB metadata along with the BLOB in the repository.
  • Added the possibility of assigning an alias to a BLOB, which can then be used to retrieve the BLOB instead of using the engine generated URL.
  • Added an updateable system table 'pbms_metadata_header' to control which HTTP headers are stored as metadata.
  • Added an updateable system table 'pbms_metadata' that contains all the metadata associated with the BLOBs.
  • New PBMS API functions have been added to set and get BLOB metadata.
  • A new PBMS API function has been added to allow applications to get the BLOB metadata with out getting the actual BLOB.
  • Added some new fields to the 'pbms_repository' system table.
  • Removed the raw BLOB data from the 'pbms_repository' system table and placed it in its own table, 'pbms_blob'.
  • Dropping a database containing PBMS BLOBS referenced from non-PBXT tables no longer requires special handling.
  • System tables can now be selected with an 'order by' clause.
As you can see a lot of work has been done on it and a lot of things have changed. I have already talked about most of the major changes in my previous 2 BLOG postings but I recommend having a look at the documentation for more details.

A few things to watch for in the new version:

  • The location and format of the BLOB repository files has changed. This means that if you are using an older version you will need to import the data from the server using the older version of PBMS into tables on a server running the new version. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this. I will try to maintain backward compatibility with older versions of PBMS but until the code is no longer alpha I can not guarantee this.
  • A patch was added to the PBXT engine to prevent a crash when shutting down MySQL. The PBXT version '1.0.07m-rc' contains this patch and is available for download with the the PBMS engine.
  • There remains an unsolved problem that can lead to PBXT hanging when a PBXT table containing longblobs is dropped and the PBMS engine is being used for BLOB storage.
As usual if you have any questions about PBMS and BLOB storage please send them to me and I will do my best to answer them.


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

PBMS supports BLOB metadata and aliases

The PrimeBase PBMS engine now supports user defined metadata.

When the PBMS engine receives a BLOB the HTTP header tag value pairs are stored with the BLOB as metadata. To restrict which headers are stored as metadata an updatable system table 'pbms_http_fields' is provided in which users can add the names of the headers that are to be treated as metadata. When the BLOB is retrieved from the engine the metadata is sent back along with the BLOB as HTTP headers in the same way that it was received.

The metadata can be accessed from within the database via the 'pbms_matadata' system table or altered by performing inserts, updates, or deletes on the table.

A BLOB alias is a special metadata field that allows you to associate a database wide unique name with the BLOB which can then be used later to retrieve it. If you are familiar with Amazon S3 storage it works in a similar manner where you can think of the database as the S3 bucket and the BLOB alias as the S3 key.  To fetch the BLOB back using the alias you use a URL with the format <database>/<alias>. The following is an example using 'curl' to send a BLOB with alias 'MyBLOB' to the PBMS engine and then fetch it back again:

curl -H "PBMS_BLOB_ALIAS:MyBLOB" -d "A BLOB with alias" "http://localhost:8080/test"

curl -D - "http://localhost:8080/test/MyBLOB"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
PBMS_LAST_ACCESS: 1236200654
Content-Length: 17

A BLOB with alias
In this example the BLOB has been uploaded to the PBMS engine but not yet referenced so it will be automatically deleted after a preset time. 

As you can see several custom headers have been added to the reply:
  • PBMS_CHECKSUM is the MD5 checksum of the BLOB data.
  • PBMS_BLOB_SIZE is the size of the BLOB data in bytes.
  • PBMS_LAST_ACCESS is the last access time of the BLOB in seconds since Jan. 1 1970.
  • PBMS_ACCESS_COUNT is the number of times the BLOB has been downloaded.
  • PBMS_CREATION_TIME is the creation time of the BLOB in seconds since Jan. 1 1970.
It is also possible to fetch back just the header info with out the BLOB data, example:
curl -H "PBMS_RETURN_INFO_ONLY:yes" -D - "http://localhost:8080/test/MyBLOB"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
PBMS_LAST_ACCESS: 1236200654
Content-Length: 0
The PBMS BLOB metadat enables users to store BLOB specific data with the BLOB and have it returned to them with out having to create a separate database table to store it and then execute separate SQL command to update it and retrieve it when ever they upload or download a BLOB. 

The BLOB alias allows users to generate their own names for BLOBs which they can then use to access the BLOB without having to make a call to the database to get the PBMS generated URL.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

PBMS supports Drizzle

The PBMS engine now works with Drizzle. Well actually it has been working with Drizzle for several months since I have been using Drizzle as my 'host' server while adding new features to the engine. I will tell you about the new features in future posts.

Hooks for a 'blobcontainer' type plug-in have been added to Drizzle that allow a plug-in to catch insert. update, or delete operations on BLOB columns in any table and handle the BLOB storage itself. The plug-in gets called above the storage engine level so it is independent of the storage engines. This is very similar to the way that PBMS works in MySQL 5.1 with engines other than PBXT where it uses triggers to perform the same function. But the way it is done with Drizzle is a lot more efficient.

So in Drizzle the PBMS engine is both a 'blobcontainer' plug-in as well as a storage engine. 

Surprisingly little needed to be done to the PBMS engine to get it to build with Drizzle. It was a big help having the PBXT engine already ported to Drizzle so for a large part all I needed to do was look to see what Paul had done and do the same. The same source code is used for both the Drizzle and MySQL builds and the build procedure is the same. When you configure the engine different build flags will automatically be set depending if the target is a MySQL source tree or a Drizzle source tree. But before you try doing a build yourself you should know that the 'blobcontainer' plug-in support has not been merged into the main Drizzle build branch yet. 

The one drawback to the way the 'blobcontainer' plug-in works currently is that it take a shotgun  approach to BLOB management in that either all blobs in all tables are stored using the 'blobcontainer' plug-in or none are. This is because there is no way of telling the plug-in which BLOB columns are to be stored using the plug-in and which are not. I am in hopes that some way will be found so that BLOB columns can be selectively handled by the 'blobcontainer' plug-in. Possible ways of doing this would be to have a special BLOB column type for BLOBs to be stored with the 'blobcontainer' plug-in or provide a column attribute to signal how the BLOB data is to be stored. In MySQL 5.1 only longblob columns are stored using the PBMS engine. I have no doubt though that a good solution for this problem will be found before long.
